Deed Registration

Deed registration

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Welcome back, Readers! Yes, it is possible to Register Deeds without giving bribes to anyone. I am sure you will get to know some new things about the registration of Deeds. We need to visit the office of the deputy registrar for the registration of Deeds like a Will, Sale Deed, Conveyance Deed, Agreement, Transfer Deed, Apartment Deed, Gift Deed, Power of attorney, etc. As per the provisions of the registration Act, the Deputy Registrar has given the rights for Deed registration, and there are 507 offices in the deputy registrar in the state of Maharashtra. Each taluka place in the state has one Deputy Registrar’s office in general. The procedure for the Deed registration is conducted according to Registration Act 1908. In accordance with the provisions of this Act, the detailed procedure for registration of Deed has been laid down under the Maharashtra Registration Rules, 1961.


Preparations to be done by the parties for deed registration:

  1. Preparing document 
  2. Required documents according to the type of deed to be registered 
  3. Evaluation of the property
  4. Payment of Stamp duty, registration fee,  document handling charges, etc.
  5. Execution of documents in front of witnesses.
  6. Filling in the document information through public data entry.
  7. Taking appointment of Deputy registrar’s office for registration of documents through the e-step facility.

Click here for Deed registration.

Required documents for deed registration :

  1. Original document with proper stamp duty paid and signed by all parties.
  2. Proof of payment of stamp duty and registration fee through e-payment,
  3. Credentials of all parties,
  4. Identity cards with their photographs of the identifying persons.
  5. Required supplementary documents as per the type of deed to be registered.
  6. The original power of attorney, its true copy, and the prescribed form of declaration of the existence of the power of attorney, executed by the power of attorney on the basis of the power of attorney,

Oversmartness of the deputy registrar :

When we see the Deputy registrar who has an educational qualification is just 12th behave disrespectfully with the lawyers it feels like democracy is been hammered and an educational degree is the most useless thing in this country. Deed registration is denied orally by demanding unnecessary documents or by pointing out pointless errors in the document. these unjust lawyers and parties return And then Deputy registrars Approach them with their agents and register any deed only after getting the bribe by the parties or lawyers.

Read other latest article: Land survey

What could be done if deed registration is denied orally:

Orally denaying registration of the Deed is illegal. 
The following procedure must get followed after submitting the document for deed registration. If there is no legal provision is restricting the registration of the Deed, it is accepted for the Deed registration. Insist Deputy registrars to follow the following procedure when the document is submitted for registration.

  1. Ask for entry in the token and entry in the token register after submitting the Deed.
  2. Ask for a receipt to the Deputy registrar according to Right to Service rule 6 when the document or the errors in the document are pointed out and if they are correct or else if the Deputy registrar thinks the deed is inappropriate for registration,  he must pass the order and give reasons for rejection in writing in the book no. 2  according to the Registration Act 1908 section 71,  and must handover the document to the parties with the comment of rejection on the document itself, and providing the copy of the notes in the book no. 2 to the party immediately and without any extra charges. 

If you insist Deputy registrars to follow these compliances you will be able to register the deed without giving the bribe.

And help our great nation to put one step closer to our goal of zero corruption country.

Provisions of Right to Service Act:

It is mandatory to register the deed in one day according to the Right to Service Act. if the deed is not been registered in one day the first appeal can be filed against the Deputy registrar to the District Collector of stamps and a second appeal to the Inspector general of registration and controller of stamps and a final appeal to the Commission for Public Service Rights.  if registration of Deed denied without appropriate reason then the Deputy Registrar can be charged for the penalty of 500 to 5000 and if a similar mistake has been proven for the second time then show cause notice is issued. Moreover, disciplinary actions can be taken.

Read the blog in Marathi by clicking here.

For deed registration services by dear society click here.

Make use of laws to eliminate corruption and help the nation to prosper. 


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